Kirklees Dementia Hub
32-34 Lion Chambers
John William Street
01484 503 908
The Kirklees Dementia Hub is a partnership between Community Links and Age UK Calderdale & Kirklees and offers information and advice for people who are living with dementia and their carers, family and friends.
We can provide appointments in the following ways:
You can contact the Information and Advice Line which operates Monday-Friday 9am – 5pm 01484503 908.
Referrals into the service are made through the SWYPFT Memory Service, a GP/health professional or you can also self-refer.
Referrals can be made for adults of any age who have been recently diagnosed with dementia.
To make a referral please contact the Hub Coordinator on 01484 503 908 or email to request a referral form.
The Service is open from Monday to Thursday 9am-5pm and Friday 9am-4.30pm, with the exception of recognised public holidays and will be supported by an office hours telephone advice line.
The Kirklees Live Life to the Full Guide has been produced to help you at every stage of your journey. This guide will help you to understand dementia and some of the practical steps that you can take to ensure you have as much information as possible to help you. This is available to download in the download section on this page.
Dementia UK also provide a useful guide to dementia: Dementia-UK-Living-with-dementia-guide.pdf (
The Kirklees Dementia Hub is part of the Kirklees Ethnic Minority Dementia Pathway Steering Group. This group is working towards creating an Ethnic Minority Dementia pathway which explores barriers experienced by ethnic minority communities and provides recommendations and actions for health professionals.
We are aware that people from ethnic minority communities can face many barriers to accessing a diagnosis and support and that leaflets are not always the best way to reach people.
The following links provide some great video clips for you to watch, and these include, understanding Dementia, how to get a diagnosis, Q&A’s about Dementia and family experiences. There are also other resources including blogs and other links you can follow to learn more about Dementia.
TIDE – Together In Dementia Everyday – A fragmented pathway by Shahid Mohammed
We are working towards creating a Dementia Friendly Kirklees, this will support those living with dementia to remain living well in Kirklees and to continue accessing their local communities. The Kirklees Dementia Friendly Community Steering Group is open to all in Kirklees to join and support each other in creating change and improvements for those living with dementia in Kirklees. We can improve accessibility, raise awareness and support those with dementia and their carers to be heard and understood!
To join the Steering Group or if you would like your business or organisation to work towards becoming dementia friendly please email us at
New Group coming to Kirklees on 9th April!
We are launching a new, peer support group as part of the DEEP Network and we hope you will be as excited about it as we are and spread the word. It will run monthly, 10am-12am at Holmfirth Methodist Church.
Our new discussion and action group will be led by the voices of those living with dementia. The group will appeal to people in the early stages of dementia who want to be part of discussions and projects alongside people they can relate to.
Every DEEP group is unique as it runs on the combined agenda of its members, so our direction will be decided with the arrival of our new members. To give you an idea of the possibilities, we have carried out projects around supporting research and offering feedback to universities and the NHS, video projects and running a community allotment.
In addition, we would love to welcome a member representative from each of the fantastic groups running throughout the local areas to form a collaborative network. That would allow members to confer with their peers and to relay ideas and projects to and from the DEEP group to ensure we hear as many voices as possible.
We would really appreciate your support and look forward to working together for the shared cause of supporting people to live well with dementia.
This is a campaign that highlights the rights a carer has to stay with their loved one who has a dementia diagnosis if they are admitted to hospital. The Huddersfield Royal Infirmary has also signed up to this campaign.
Click the link below to find out more about the campaign and what your rights as a carer are.
About | John’s Campaign (
The Kirklees Dementia Hub really does value your views on the quality of the service that is provided to you.
You can leave your feedback by following this link:
To learn more about Kirklees Council Dementia Support you can click here
Click here to hear one of our support workers Samea talking about KDH on Kirklees local Asian radio station ‘Sangam Radio.’
Kirklees Dementia Hub worked with Jonathan Parker from Creative Frame and the Together Living Well with Dementia Support Group to co-produce an animation on living well with dementia.
The Support Group is led by professionals and dedicated volunteers who meet every Friday at the Moldgreen United Reformed Church, 10:30-14:30. The group is about supporting people with memory problems and other related symptoms. The group meet to talk, share experiences, eat a meal together and enjoy each other’s company. The group members enjoy taking part in various activities, with laughter and fun being high on the agenda.
The group wanted to get the message across about ‘Living Well with Dementia.’ They worked on the script for the animation and the voice overs you hear are the people who attend the group. This project took over six months to put together and we are immensely proud of the animation.
You can see the full animation below:
*To see subtitles, click on ‘Watch on YouTube’ in bottom left corner*
Albert cared for his wife Moira, who had been diagnosed with dementia and as Albert’s family lived away, there was no available support to them nearby. We provided regular calls to Albert and his wife during lockdown to see how they were and any support that was needed.
Albert found it difficult at first to gain support through social care due to worry this would mean that his wife would be placed in a home and, for himself, that he had ‘failed’ in his duty as a husband. This is often the worry that carers can feel but through reassurance and regular calls with their Support Coordinator we were able to build confidence in Albert and his wife about supporting them to remain living independently as long as possible in their own home, and build Albert’s confidence that asking for help does not mean failure.
The advice and support we provided included access to:
We also provided a Stimulation Pack that has been developed by us, in partnership with CLEAR and MakeSpace Community.